Scrapes for a specific fanfiction entry (ie, user generated story)
based on the fandom (ie, general story narrative), type, and the verbatim title of the story.
getFullStory(story, type, title)
story | Name of fandom being searched. Ex, "Harry Potter." |
type | Whether the fandom is from the media type of anime, book, cartoon, comic, game, misc, movie, play, or tv. |
title | The title of the specific fanfic post to be scraped. |
A data frame with two columns; the raw text of the scraped entries, and the chapter designations for each text vector.
getFullStory("Harry Potter", "book", "Modern Marauders")#> Error: 'NA' does not exist in current working directory ('/Users/griffinbarich/Documents/Documents - Griffin’s MacBook Pro/Junior Year/Fall18/Advanced R/FinalQACStats/Absent Toast/absentfan/docs/reference').